This webpage uses the SVG (scalable vector graphics) capabilities of HTML to produce an interactive map and histogram for the 2020 election. Biden's chance of winning a state is given in numbers out of 10,000. Estimates given on Nebraska's and Maine's congressional districts should be taken with a large grain (perhaps, heaping) of salt, since the polls database I'm using (the Economist's) does not appear to include polls for those states, despite having an independent electoral count. Results are archived after each update. If you have any inquiries or suggestions, please direct it to my Twitter account @Polit_eur. The map may take significant time to load. This is because of how Javascript and HTML handle updating parts of the webpage that make up the map and the histogram below. The model used to produce the map and the histogram are both my own. Slight changes were made to the model on October 9th that make past results not equally comparable. Similar changes were made to the model on October 16th that make past results not equally comparable. Last Updated November 3rd. This is the final update. Thank you all for coming


A histogram of election results, arranged by Biden's electoral votes, with probabilities out of 10,000